Aviation Mathematics_HD

4.1 ( 6631 ratings )
Sports Éducation
Développeur Anmar Abdul-Rahman
4.99 USD

A calculator designed for pilots and student pilots in the field of general aviation.

The App consists of:
-Take off and landing performance calculator, this includes the following aircraft.
Piper 28-161

Email a PDF version of your Pilot operating handbook for your aircraft and I will do my best in adding this as well.

A suite of useful aviation calculators:
Climb performance
Climb rate
Cumulus cloud base
Density altitude
Design maneuvering speed
Equal time point
Fuel calculations (fuel burn rate, fuel required, distance/unit fuel, aircraft endurance)
ISA temperature/pressure/ speed of sound
Map scale converter
IAS for maximum endurance
IAS for maximum range
Point of no return
Pressure/density altitude
Rate-1 turn parameters
Time decimal converter
Time/distance/speed calculations
True airspeed
Rate of descent
Rotation speed
Wind components
Wind triangle

Please note all calculations are to be considered approximate, this product does not substitute good airmanship and the data in the pilot operating manual specific to your aircraft.
Neither the author nor the publishers are liable for misuse of this product.

Unless otherwise specified units that are to be used for calculations
Weight: Pounds
Temperature: Degrees centigrade
Directions: Degrees Magnetic
Speed: Knots
Distance/Altitude: Feet

"Best Aviation tool best aviation tool app for your iPad" App picker.com-2013

Read more at http://www.apppicker.com/applists/4034/The-best-aviation-tool-apps-for-iPad#2zWbYdGuyLkym6Hv.99

Please contact me if there are any comments/ suggestions